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Things that I have experienced personally. You can always E-mail me if you ever have any
Add-Ons. They all have links as to where you can buy the parts the cheapest. Just copy and paste into your browser.

  Bassani X-Pipe The Bassani off road X-Pipe is a great product depending on your taste. Sometimes I think its too loud, sometimes I think it sounds great! It all depends, but if you have pesky neighbors, watch your back! Its loud! Installing it was a breeze. The hardest part is the nut on the pass. Side closest to the wheel well. I had to try 3 different ¾ inch sockets to get it off. Make sure that you buy an exhaust gasket for the pass side too. X or H pipes sometime don't come with one. Use WD-40 on the rubber hangers and your Stock H-pipe will slide out with ease. Make sure that you put your O2 sensors back in the same place they were in. They are color coded at the ends so this shouldn't be too hard. You will notice a slight decrease in low end torque, but an increase in high end horse power, and a definite rumble sound from the exhaust. I remember this one time me and my girlfriend were going through a tunnel and there was this guy walking on the sidewalk, I pushed in the clutch and tapped the throttle and the guy nearly sh@* himself. I laughed for about 10 miles down the road! I'm chuckling right now reminiscing. It really echoes through tunnels and under bridges! You check engine light will also come on after the install. You can buy Mil-Eliminators here for /pair or you can buy a chip. Thats my next article. You do not need both though. And it does not harm your car driving with the light on unless you can not stop staring at it and then you hit someone. It does seem to shut off though when the temp outside is above 80.

Bassani X-Pipe
  Under Drive Pullies Link to buy: 99 dollars at MAC. Those are the cheapest and they all do the same thing. I will be totally honest with you; Under Drive Pullies are a waste of money! I usually judge parts by the seat of my pants feeling going through the gears. After I installed the pullies, I really did not feel that much of a noticeable difference. If you do insist on buying under drive pullies, here are some things to keep in mind. To remove the Alt. pulley, you have to use an impact wrench, there is no way around it. If you do not have one, you have to take the Alt off. The alternator is held in your stang by 3 bolts, one on top, 2 on the bottom. Also disconnect 2 wire clips and one ground wire, then remove, and take it to an AutoZone, or Pep Boys or something. They will usually take the old pulley off and put the new one on for free, or maybe charge . You'll need a large wrench, 18mm socket and a harmonic balancer pulling tool to remove your balancer, You can get the balancer puller at the parts store while they are putting in your Alt pulley. They run from -. A cheap one will do unless you plan on doing this on a regular basis. An easy way to get your balancer back on the crankshaft is to warm it up in a pan of boiling water for 10 minutes, DO NOT pound the thing back on with a hammer or you could damage some engine bearings inside. Make sure before you do get it on, to use high temp RTV on the crank where the keyway goes or you will leak oil all over the place when you start your car and have to do this all over again.Torque the crank shaft bolt down to 60ft pounds using a torque wrench. Make sure the other 3 gold screws are tight also and have red loctite on them(to around 20-30 Ft pounds). And never reuse the factory bolt. It has a use once and discard usage. Make sure that you use the new one that they sent with your kit. If you use the old one, it will come loose and fall off the car or worse go through the radiator leaving you stranded somewhere. And 1 more thing, even with a high powered amp in my car, my lights do not dim at stop lights! Kewl!

Steeda Pullies
  Pro 5.0 Shifter Now this shifter feels like home! Oh what a difference from a stock one. There is no performance difference, but man is it worth every penny. Contrary to popular belief, a shifter will not save the life of your tranny. If your tranny is grinding into second or third at high RPMS, well then you better look at some syncros or a clutch. A shifter will not fix any problems that you may already have. Now this shifter does use "Stop Bolts" which makes it impossible to over extend the shift forks and damage them, so hit your shifter as hard as you like, no damage ! The stock shifter does not have this feature. The stock Tremec trans shifter unit has this feature built in however, but not the T5, T45. The install takes about an hour

Pro 5.0 Shifter